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Borth Bog

One of my modules this year is Wildlife Conservation and as part of it I went on a field trip to Cors Fochno or Borth Bog.  Cors Fochno is a raised peat bog in the enormous Dyfi nature reserve located between Aberystwyth and Machynlleth . The field trip   was to learn how various types of protection help to save special areas such as Borth bog which is one of only a few raised peat bog left in the UK, Cors Fochno is both a Biosphere reserve and a Special Area of Conservation (SAC). Bog life We arrived at the bog around 2 o'clock and despite the wind and the rain the trip was a really fun experience. The walk around the bog started near a field with a lovely, albeit wet and bedraggled, pony. Peat bogs re full of different types of moss that can only be found in the anoxic, and incredibly damp conditions the bog has to offer. There is also a wide range of other flowers and plants unique to Cors Fochno but as its still early spring many of them weren't in blo
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